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Great funny addictive action game! I liked that an animal was saved at the end, cause i am vegan many years now!


Not to burst your bubble here, but that's a baby goat, which is often used as a sacrifice... Sorry but I don't think that goat lived very long


This was great--very short and yet very addictive, I kept telling myself one more try... one more try... but I did it. Ritual complete!

Great job! And thank you for the kind words :)


I adore this one, making full use of its colour scheme, with the surprising result of the ritual and all. I really liked this puzzle, and I think the length of the ritual, outside of being symbolic, was really nice, since I really got to feel like I was following some old path with the last few strikes.

(2 edits)

Very glad you liked this little game!

Speaking about the end - tiny spoiler ahead - last strokes should form a specific symbol; I wanted also to highlight this in some way (by painting ground/some other effects), but decided against it, because in some cases player fail right before the end and it would look strange.


wow, very polished game and with a nice twist to figuring out the right path. The theme does the gothic color palette justice too!

Thanks for playing! Yes, the gradient in palette was really suggesting some nice stylized shading, which we leaned into :)

as always, my question is, how many solutions are possible?


There is exactly one ritual to recollect.



Very creative!


Thank you!