Wrap your head (and cable) around Robot Detour’s numerous puzzles!

Deliver batteries to your robot friends,

avoid enemies and gain a deeper understanding

of the intricate rules and mechanisms of the game’s world.

 6 worlds with inventive puzzles and mechanics where you’ll find:

- easy levels

- challenging levels

- funny levels

- weird levels

- fish

Robot Detour is a love letter

to old-school addictive mobile and flash games,

but with a fresh twist and a dozen unique mechanics

that are very satisfying to play around with.


Buy Now$5.99 USD or more

In order to download this game you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $5.99 USD. You will get access to the following files:

Robot Detour FULL - win (1.1.2).zip 144 MB
Robot Detour FULL - linux (1.1.2).zip 147 MB
Robot Detour FULL - mac (1.1.2).zip 174 MB

Development log


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i hope the full game has mouse controls too, that would be appreciated!


It’s again in “advanced” settings category as it’s not for everyone, but it’s there!


Perfect! I'm buying this :D


i do enjoy this for what its worth, however i feel there is quite a difficulty spike and it gets quite tough after. love to see where you go next man! :D


Excellent game!


Nice game!

(2 edits) (+1)

do u use the godot game engine

Edit: I saw the splash screen after opening the game so i know the answer and i must say , this is one of the best games ive played it indeed is creative and has the old-school feeling 


 6 worlds with inventive puzzles and mechanics where you’ll find:



Wait What FISH

Fish is good


This would have done numbers on CoolMathGames back in the day

nah bro just spittin facts

difficult ؟


Beat the Demo, what a great game! going to purchase the full version <3


Really had fun nice game


Nice mechanics

One of the first things I tried was seeing if the wire was infinitely long. It seems to be. And then I saw that there were question marks emanating from levels 11 and 12, and they are a darker color than the other levels when completed (as well as 14, but I attribute that one to being the last level of the demo).

It wasn't too difficult to discover "breaking the game" by wrapping around the rotation gear in level 11 a few times. What about level 12 though?

Is there some secret wall that you can walk through? Can you clip the character past the wire spool and get stuck behind it? I also considered getting caught and undoing into a position where you're still caught but as far as I know that would just prompt an undo to the next valid previous point. 

i am stuck in level. anyways. let me forget it



Que lindo! COmo você fez para mudar todo o tema qui de onde esta o jogo?

(2 edits) (+1)

I really like the demo but when I change the volume the robot rotates or moves (in Firefox but not in Chrome).


What a nicely paced puzzle game! The feedback of winning a level from making a new logical leap feels great because each new concept is given its own room to breathe instead of being piled on.

What a rewarding experience, I very much enjoyed!

Level 8 is a substantial increase in difficulty I will say.


Good Game!


Fun demo!


ngl its kinda good


fun game but there is no arabic please fix




Man I love me some fish


Amazing game. I’m stuck on level 8 in the demo, but i’m sure I’ll work it out


Well thought puzzles and hard game. I really good at puzzle games, but this one takes the cake for difficulty and fun which is a very hard process to do. I will recommend it


The Demo Version Is Al Ready Amazing 


This is great stuff :)  One suggestion, when completing a level, automatically highlight the next level on the map to save a key stroke, or accidentally re-entering the same level.


Yup, this is annoying XD. Another thing I'm not too fond/sure about is the color of the menu buttons: darker when selected, brighter when not... Oh, and one bug I've noticed: the counter for completed levels is reset everytime I launch the game until I complete another one (forces the game to recount). 

Overall the game is fun and the 58-60 levels were pretty refreshing (loved the music :D).

(1 edit) (+2)

Thank you both for your comments and nice words!

I need to think about the pre-selection of next level, because currently there is no “next level” immediately when you transition to the map (so there will be some problems with animations/forcing selection unexpectedly), but also I want the player to feel that the progression is not strictly linear and they can skip any level and select another opened level (and for that I need not to force the next level selection)

Also, thanks for reporting the bug :)


Bueno, que buen juego, me gusto mucho, fueron 20 minutos de increíble satisfacción :D

Thank you for playing! You can also buy the full version (6 times as big, 2-4 hours of gameplay) on this page, if you want to :)


The gameplay experience is great! Can't wait to play the full version on the weekend.  Congrats! q;D

Full Demo Gameplay (YouTube)

Love this game so far! But already found a bug :(

Finished the first world (including the bonus levels), but can’t can’t access the second world. Also tried the Windows version (in Wine), but it has the same issue.

I managed to unlock the second world by fiddling with the file called Robot_Detour_prerelease_0_10.cfg but I’d rather don’t do something like that :/ Can you maybe double-check whether you uploaded the right version of the game?

(1 edit)

Ow, that’s serious! Top-1 prio for me then, will try to update in the next hour! Shouldn’t be that hard because Steam version doesn’t have this issue…

Thank you for reporting and sorry this happened 🙏

UPD: fixed! Thank you again for reporting! Hope you’ll enjoy the rest of the game in a smoother way, and feel free to reach out for a couple keys of the game :) (email or socials on our website)

(1 edit) (+1)

Я вообще очень редко играю в головоломки, но следила за вашей разработкой и хотелось попробовать поиграть. Очень понравилось, визуал просто замечательный! Отдельный респект за музыку :З
И спасибо за кнопку Z, очень удобно, что не надо переигрывать весь уровень в случае ошибки.


It's pleasure to see that game in its current state.
I'm loving it since the LudumDare#53
Keep up the good work!

(wishlisted on Steam)


I'm not usually into puzzles but I really got into this game! It hits that perfect balance of challenge and fun for me. I usually quit puzzles after like 5 minutes when I can't figure out what to do and get bored. But with this one I was having a blast solving every level